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08:00 - 09:00
Participant Registration: Registration of attendees.
09:00 - 09:05
Welcome by Jerzy Wierzbicki: Greetings by Jerzy Wierzbicki, Chairman of the Polish Sustainable Beef Platform

Jerzy Wierzbicki
Chairman of the Polish Sunstainable Beef Platform
09:05 - 09:20
Conference Opening: Official opening of the conference by the Jacek Czerniak Secretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Jacek Czerniak
Secretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
09:20 - 09:35
Keynote Speech
video message:

Christophe Hansen
European Commissioner for Agriculture and Food
09:35 - 10:35
The future of the CAP – fairness and sustainability
Reforms to balance environmental objectives with farm profitability. Strengthen farmers' negotiating position to ensure fair prices.

Luigi Scordamaglia
President, Eat Europe

Jacek Czerniak
Secretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Krzysztof Hetman
Member of the European Parliament, COM AGRI

Bruno Menne
Director of the Commodities Team of COPA COGECA

Luc Vernet
Secretary General, Farm Europe

Wiktor Szmulewicz
President of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers

Marek Zagórski
Chairman of the Board National Food Group S.A.
10:35 - 11:05
11:05 - 12:20
European Green Deal goals and ESG reporting - opportunities and challenges
Implementing the Green Deal objectives in the beef sector without excessive burdens on farmers. Innovative approaches to reducing emissions without the need for drastic reductions in production. Implementing the requirements of the CSRD directive and decarbonisation strategies in the supply chain, increasing pressure on farmers. The role of breeding in sustainable land use and biodiversity protection.

Krzysztof Łoniewski

Józef Kowalczyk
President of the EURO - MOST Foundation

Aleksandra Majda
ESG Impact Network; Go Green Strategy & Communication

Agnieszka Maliszewska
First Vice President of COGECA, Director of the Office of the Polish Chamber of Milk

Magdalena Nowicka
Deputy Director of the Department of Direct Payments, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Sebastian Pałka
General Manager of ABP POLAND branch in Pniewy

Michał Siwek
Head of Decarbonization & Biodiversity, BNP Paribas
12:20 - 13:35
Lunch Break
13:35 - 14:35
Sustainable beef - transformation of the industry
Strategies to align the beef sector with sustainability expectations, including transparency, animal welfare and low emission, consumer communication. Strengthening the farmer's position in the supply chain, stronger beef supply chains.

Krzysztof Łoniewski

Siobhan Bradley
ERBS Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Lead

Andrzej Czubała
President of the Certification Body eCO2 sp. z o.o.

dr Phil Hadley
Sekretary General IMS

Liam MacHale
Director of European Affairs Irish Farmers’ Association

Dr Karsten Maier
UECBV, Secretary General

Richard Sanders
Country Manager - United Kingdom/EU, Meat & Livestock Australia
14;35 - 15:35
MERCOSUR and Ukraine - global trade and Ukraine's integration into the EU market
Challenges related to Ukraine's integration into the common market and the impact on agricultural markets. Resolving contradictions between trade policy and EU internal regulations in order to protect the competitiveness of European farmers, including issues related to the Mercosur agreement.

Krzysztof Łoniewski

Adam Nowak
Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Waldemar Buda
Member of the European Parliament, COM AGRI

Grzegorz Leszczyński
President of the Podlaskie Agricultural Chamber, Member of the Board of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers

Bruno Menne
Director in COPA COGECA

Łukasz Pergoł
Young Farmers Council at KRIR, Chairman

Birthe Steenberg
Secretary General AVEC – The European Poultry Meat Association

Jacek Zarzecki
Polish Platform for Sustainable Beef, Vice Chairman Copa Cogeca Beef Working Group
15:35 - 16:05
16:05 - 17:05
Warsaw Call for Europe's Implementation - a call to strengthen collaboration with academia and science
Beef sector challenges and policy decisions need to be supported by solid research evidence and strong collaboration with experts to develop effective and measurable solutions. In the context of the Dublin Declaration and the Denver Appeal, the Forum will be a space to discuss their implementation at a practical level, as part of a common European Action Plan for Sustainable Agriculture.

Prof. dr Peer Ederer
Member Scientific Council, World Farmers' Organisation

dr hab. Marcin Gołębiewski, prof. SGGW
Vice-Rector for Development

Jean Francois Hocquette

Paolo Patruno
Deputy Secretary General Clitravi

Ewa Reńska
Business and Development Manager at Alltech

Jerzy Wierzbicki
Polish Beef Association
17:05 - 17:15
Conference Summary by Jacek Zarzecki: The Vice Chairman of COPA COGECA WP Beef and Veal will summarize the conference.

Jacek Zarzecki
Polish Platform for Sustainable Beef, Vice Chairman Copa Cogeca Beef Working Group
02.02.2024 Agenda for the 10th International Beef Forum
08:00 - 09:00
Participant Registration
09:00 - 09:05
Welcome by Jerzy Wierzbicki
Greetings by Jerzy Wierzbicki, Chairman of the Beef Sector Council, and host Karol Bujoczek, Editor-in-Chief of Top Agrar.

Karol Bujoczek
Editor-in-Chief of Top Agrar

Jerzy Wierzbicki
Chairman of the Beef Sector Council
09:05 - 09:20
Conference Opening
Official opening of the conference by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czesław Siekierski.

Czesław Siekierski
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
09:20 - 09:35
Keynote Speech
A speech by Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commissioner for Agriculture.

Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski
EU Commissioner for Agriculture
09:35 - 10:35
Future of the CAP in the Context of Ukraine’s Accession – Opportunities and Risks
A debate with industry experts and politicians.

Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski
EU Commissioner for Agriculture

Czesław Siekierski
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

Krzysztof Jurgiel
Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Agriculture

Marek Zagórski
President of the Management Board of Krajowa Grupa Spożywcza S.A.

Wiktor Szmulewicz
President of the National Council of Chambers of Agriculture

Monika Piątkowska
President of the Chamber of Grain and Feed

Waldemar Pawlak
Senator Chairman of the Senate Committee on National Economy and Innovation
10:35 - 11:05
11:05 - 12:05
Environmental Expectations for Changes in Cattle Production – The Inevitability of Emission Reduction
A debate with industry experts and politicians.

Richard Brown
Director at Gira – A Girag & Associates Company

Peter Creaser
Australia’s Minister Counsellor, Agriculture to the EU based in Brussels in the Australian Embassy to Belgium and Luxembourg.

Knud Buhl
Director, Danish Bacon & Meat Council

Michal Siwek
Head of International Food & Agri Hub Department of BNP Paribas Group.

Thomas Sanchez
Senior Policy Advisor in the Copa Cogeca Secretariat

Erik Schoettl
Managing Director Europe OSI EUROPE FOODWORKS GmbH

Tomasz Kurpiewski
Sustainability Senior Manager at McDonald’s Poland Ltd.
12:05 - 13:20
Lunch Break
13:20 - 14:20
Will the Pressure on Beef Production and Consumption Grow? What Strategy Should EU Beef Production Adopt?
A discussion on the increasing pressure on beef consumers, discrediting beef in terms of its role in the diet and for ethical reasons such as climate protection, animal welfare.

Jean Francois Hocquette, PhD

CEO of Filiera Italia

Paolo Patruno
Deputy Secretary General of CLITRAVI

Prof. dr hab. Jarosław Całka
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Wierzbicka
Corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Karsten Maier
UECBV Secretary General

Stéphanie Pochon
Partner, Forward Global

Luc Vernet
Secretary General of Farm Europe
14:20 - 15:20
Transforming the sustainable beef supply chain through innovation
A discussion on innovations in the beef supply chain.

Dr Rod Polkinghorne
International Meat Research 3G Foundation

dr hab. Marcin Gołębiewski
Prof. SGGW Director of the Institute of Animal Sciences

Dr inż. Elżbieta Sowula-Skrzyńska
Head of the Department of Production Systems and Environment Zootechniki National Research Institute in Balice

Jan Pietrzak
President of the Board, Federation of Beef Groups and Producers Poland

Jacek Jarząbek
Head of Enterprise Architecture Governance Department at NASK NASK National Research Institute
15:20 - 15:50
15:50 - 16:50
The Role of the Common Agricultural Policy in the Sustainable Transformation of the Beef Supply Chain Participants
A debate on the possibilities and needs to support the transformation of producers within the agricultural policy.

Rafał Romanowski, PhD
Member of the European Parliament

Liam MacHale
Director of European Affairs, Irish Farmers Association

Agnieszka Maliszewska
First Vice President of COGECA, Director of the Office of the Polish Chamber of Milk.

Jacek Zarzecki
President, Polish Union of Meat Cattle Breeders and Producers

Jerzy Wierzbicki
Chairman of the Beef Sector Council
16:50 - 17:00
Conference Summary by Jacek Zarzecki
The Chairman of the Managing Committee of the Beef Promotion Fund will summarize the conference.

Jacek Zarzecki
President, Polish Union of Meat Cattle Breeders and Producers
Gala Dinner
Gala Dinner, award ceremony Meat Cattle Producer of the Year 2023