dr hab. Marcin Gołębiewski, prof. SGGW

dr hab. Marcin Gołębiewski, prof. SGGW

Vice-Rector for Development

Marcin Paweł Gołębiewski was born on 8 June 1981 in Łowicz. In 2006, he graduated with distinction with a master’s degree in Zootechnics from the Faculty of Animal Sciences, SGGW. Soon after graduating, he began full-time doctoral studies in the Department of Detailed Animal Breeding. He earned his doctoral degree in zootechnics in 2010 and the habilitation degree [dr hab.] in agricultural sciences in zootechnics and fisheries in 2018. In 2012, he also completed a postgraduate programme, ‘Innovation Manager’, at the Warsaw School of Economics, SGH. He practices livestock farming and has run his farm since 2005.

He joined SGGW as an assistant professor in 2010. Since 2020, he has been an SGGW associate professor in the Department of Animal Breeding, Institute of Animal Sciences. Since 2012, he acted as the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Sciences’ Representative for the Economy and, since 2012, as the Coordinator for Economic Cooperation. From 2012 to 2019, he initiated and supervised the Student Society at the Faculty of Animal Sciences. He was also the founder and leader of the first SGGW Innovation Incubator, launched as part of a project funded by the MNISW [the Ministry of Science and Higher Education]. Since 2015, prof. Gołębiewski has been a member of the unit in charge of the QMP [Quality Meat Program] system at the Polish Beef Association. The vice-chair of the Breeding Council of the Polish Beef Breeders and Producers Association. He cooperates with many scientific journals in the area of expertise in beef breeding and production. He co-owns and is a board member of 5 start-ups, where he has successfully implemented his ideas into practice.

Between 2021 and 2024, he served as Director of the Institute of Animal Sciences and chairperson of the Zootechnics and Fisheries Council of Discipline. He was also a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute (IERiGZ-PIB). Prof. Gołębiewski is a member of the Polish Society of Animal Production, the American Dairy Science Association and the National Mastitis Council. He was a juror expert in the ‘Innowacyjny produkt rolniczy’; ‘Producent Bydła Mięsnego’ competition. [Innovative Agricultural Product’, ‘Beef producer’].

He has completed many national and international courses and internships during his work at SGGW. His professional development was mainly focused on commercialising research results: 11 domestic and two foreign training courses, including the ASTP Proton, organised by the Association of European Science and Technology Transfer Professionals in Istanbul, Turkey. He has also completed some academic internships related to his scientific interests in France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Prof. Marcin Gołębiewski’s scientific interests focus mainly on livestock breeding, in particular dairy and beef breeding, and cover the following areas: the determinants of the cow’s milk quality and the possibility of modifying it, the impact of the condition of the dairy cow on milk productivity, the functioning of the reproductive system and the health of the dairy cow, nanotechnology in mastitis treatment and prevention in dairy cows, and Precision Livestock Farming. He has written 222 popular science articles, 115 scientific articles and 15 book chapters and monographs. He has filed over 31 patent applications and co-authored 27 patents and utility models.

He is a recognised specialist in breeding, reflected by the fact that he has lectured at more than 224 conferences and more than 104 training courses and workshops.

He has participated in implementing scientific research funded by national (State Committee for Scientific Research, National Science Centre, National Centre for Research and Development, PAWP.pl) and external funds (7th Framework Programme and Horizon 2020) as a leader or contractor. He has been involved in implementing around 51 scientific and implementation projects. Many of his projects succeeded in implementing tangible solutions.

He was the supervisor of six doctoral theses. He has promoted 40 holders of master’s degrees and 72 engineers. He reviewed theses in doctoral and postdoctoral [habilitation] proceedings. He was awarded the ‘SGGW academic teacher who can be a role model for others’ distinction by SGGW students for his teaching activities. He was recognised for his scientific and organisational activities with the SGGW Rector’s awards. In 2018, he received the MRIRW (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) Badge of Honour for ‘The Distinguished Service to Agriculture’ Award and the ‘Bronze Medal for Long Service’.

Languages: English

Hobbies and Interests: popular science books, strength sports, IT, accordion playing.

Family: He has a wife, a daughter, and a son.