Siobhán works for the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform) where she supports the European Roundtable for Beef Sustainability’s (ERBS) Director programme in meeting the needs & expectations of members, and focuses on both internal and external ERBS Communications.
Prior to this, Siobhán worked with the Dairy Working Group of SAI Platform, where she supported the implementation and delivery of the Sustainable Dairy Partnership (SDP).
Previously, Siobhán has experience as an Origin Green Ambassador for Bord Bia, The Irish Food Board. The role of an Origin Green Ambassador involves completing a master’s degree in “Business Sustainability” and three international placements with companies who are leaders in the field of sustainability. During this programme Siobhán completed placements with SAI Platform, Nestlé & Brakes. Siobhán has also worked as a Supply Chain Sustainability Manager for Communisis where she supported the progression of their sustainability strategy & promoted greater levels of supply chain transparency.
Siobhán holds a master’s degree in “Business Sustainability” from Michael Smurfit Business School, University College Dublin, and in “Biodiversity & Conservation Biology” from Trinity College Dublin.