Program council

Łukasz Chmielewski

Member of the Management Board

Polish Beef Association

dr inż. Andrzej Gantner

Vice President

Polish Federation of Food Producers Employers' Association

dr hab. Marcin Gołębiewski, prof. SGGW


Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Dorota Grabarczyk

Milk Market Analyst

Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Milk Producers

Leszek Hądzlik


Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Milk Producers

Jacek Klimza


Polish Association of Beef Cattle Breeders and Producers

Tomasz Kurpiewski

Sustainability Senior Manager

McDonald's Poland

Krzysztof Łoniewski


Aleksandra Majda

Vice President

ESG Impact Network

Marek Mastalerek


National Medical and Veterinary Council

Sebastian Pałka

ABP Pniewy General Manager

ABP Poland Sp. z o.o.

Tomasz Parzybut


Association of Butchers and Meat Makers of the Republic of Poland

dr inż. Grzegorz Pogorzelski

Assistant Professor

Quality assessment expert at the IMR3G Foundation

Tomasz Rasiński

Vice President

Polish Beef Association

Jerzy Rey

Chairman of the Council

Polish Meat Association

Wiesław Różański


Union of Producers and Employers of the Meat Industry

Marian Sikora

Marian Sikora

Chairman of the Federation Council

Federation of Branch Associations of Agricultural Producers

Dariusz Siwek


Meat establishments Łuków

Marcin Sokołowski

Quality Assurance & Sustainability Raw Material Manager 

OSI Food Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o

Jacek Strzelecki


Polish Meat Association

prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Wierzbicka


Institute of Animal Genetics and Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Jerzy Wierzbicki

Chairman of the Board

Polish Beef Association

Marcin Wiśniewski

President of the Board

Internet and Social Media Research Institute Sp. z o.o.

Jacek Zarzecki

Vice President

Polish Platform for Sustainable Beef