President of Filiera Italia
CEO of Filiera Italia, the Italian Agrifood Association that aggregates the main italian food companies with the excellence of the national agricultural production “represented by Coldiretti and main Italian retail chains;
Director of Markets, European Policies and International Affairs in Coldiretti;
President of Eat Europe – European agri-food Federation
Vice President of FESASS – European Federation for Animal Health and Sanitary Security
Member of the Executive Board of INALCA S.p.A., a leader company in Europe in the meat sector and foodservice distribution.
Member of the Italy – China Business Forum
Member of the Executive Board of Consorzi Agrari d’Italia S.p.A. (Italian Agri-Consortium);
Member of RABOBANK European Food & Agrobusiness Advisory Board.
Past assignements:
President of ASSOCARNI (Italian Meat Industry Association);
President of Federalimentare (Italian Food Federation)
Board Member of ICE – (Italian Trade Agency)
Vice President of Confindustria Assafrica
Current Scientific assignements;
Professor of Level II master’s course in: Veterinary Executive Manager (VEM) University of Milan;
member of the Scientific Committee of the Observatory on Crime in Agriculture and Agri-food system;
member of the Nutrition Committee of the Ministry of Health;
member of the Scientific Committee of Fondazione Centro Studi Divulga.
He graduated in Veterinary Science at the University of Perugia where he completed his Ph.D. on “Development, hygiene, wholesomeness and quality of animal products.
He acquired a further specialization in “The inspection of foods of animal origin”, University of Turin.
Post-graduate course in Corporate Finance and Management Control at the Faculty of Economy – University of Modena.
Honorary awards
He was awarded with the Knighthood of the Order of Merit of Italian Republic.Honorary academic of Academy of Italian Cuisine.