UECBV Secretary General since 2019
Previous positions in sugar associations in Germany
Graduated from the University of Hohenheim, agricultural sciences, PhD in agro-economics.
UECBV represents more than 50 associations from:
24 EU member states + some EFTA countries and the UK.
EU trade partners in the meat sector are also associated with UECBV (e.g. Japan and Ukraine).
UECBV focuses on cattle, beef/horses, horse/sheep and goat, sheep and goat/pig, pork.
It also represents 3 European associations
Livestock markets (AEMB)
Natural casing industry (ENSCA)
Suppliers to ships (OCEAN)
In total, around 20,000 companies of all sizes and over 230,000 jobs are represented in the UECBV through its national member federations.